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Ballad of the Bear is the eighth episode of the the sixth season of Snowfall. It is the fifty-eighth episode overall.


With Louie on board, Franklin and Gustavo set a plan in motion to draw Teddy out. Tony's impatience reaches a climax.



Oso is in Compton parked outside Cissy's house guarded by the Black Panthers. He hopped out of his truck, concealed his pistol, straightened his tie, and approached the house as some folks were sharing their memories of Jerome during the repast. He even passed up Johnny and Candy arguing about their future in the game as he entered the house. When he entered, he walked toward the kitchen area, passing up Renny, who was taking advice from another man. He then motioned toward the back of the house to find Cissy who was looking out the back window. Oso exited through the back door, passing up Einstein, who was sporting a shirt in honor of Jerome. He then passed up a bar to examine a portrait of Jerome as Louie got out of her chair and passed him up. Oso then continued moving and passed up Skully and Leon, who was in mourning, and there was an obvious truce set between them as they hugged it out. Gustavo observed it as Franklin approached him, stating how they've been carrying quite the load for a long time and their efforts couldn't go to waste. Franklin then told Oso he had the passports as well as the other half of the cash. Oso then informed Franklin that he would be picking up the shipment of cocaine on the next day and would be planting it at the warehouse. He then stated that Teddy was still in hiding and they needed to draw him out. Oso then asked Franklin if he had a plan, and Franklin said he did. Gustavo then asked for one last favor, asking if he still had his plane.


Louie made an immediate rush into the bathroom, still dealing with the anxiety of being made a widow. She removed her black hat and took a deep breath. She later went to the sink and started swabbing her facial wounds with Q-tips and took a long hard look in the mirror.


Franklin is taking a moment sitting at a table during the repast and he immediately gazed upon Andre's house and immediately there was a flashback where he would sneak out at night and knock on Melody's window just to see her. He then remembered speaking of the one just he had in his lifetime, which was to protect the folks he cared about. As he meditated on the idea, Louie approached his table at sat down, demanding to know his plan. Franklin said he had only a day left and wanted to know if Louie was on board, stating he could not go through with it if she wasn't set for it. Louie then made it known she wasn't doing this for Franklin, but to get out of Teddy's grasp. Franklin understood her as she carried on.


Franklin later went to the front of the house with a backpack and passed it of to Gustavo and told he he'd explain the plan at Louie's later on. Gustavo then stated he he'd be late and have to check in. He then asked if Franklin told Louie about the DEA, and Franklin stated if he had done that, she would run, which would screw up the plan. Franklin stated he would deal with her situation as he returned to the backyard. Oso then opened up the backpack to find passports and money inside and immediately took off.


Back at the warehouse, Teddy learned from Havemeyer that there was an opportunity for him to return to the CIA. Stephen then told him he'd be guaranteed a commitment once Teddy's turned over the $73 million. He then told Teddy he'd be back once he made the wire transfer. He then handed Teddy a piece of paper consisting of the routing number. This situation put Teddy in a vicarious position.


Over at the DEA safehouse, Tony asked Oso if anyone mentioned Teddy at the funeral. Oso then told him the people were too mournful to care as he drank his coffee. Tony then stated it wouldn't matter as they would complete the job the next day. Tony then told him he wanted Amanda with him when he makes the drop with the Colombians. Oso then stated it that wouldn't be a wise decision and Tony stated he trusted her. Oso then told him that the Colombians would smell a cop from a mile away and she get them both killed. Tony then stated he was close to closing this case and there's been setbacks with Oso. Tony then pointed out how people in his position tend to ask what would happen to them once it was all over and pointed out he never sought a lawyer or any legal paperwork. Tony then stated that he didn't trust Oso and stated that she either goes or the deal would be off the table. Oso then turned his head to Amanda and stated to Tony that it was his call.


Louie is at her home and on the phone with Teddy, giving him a story of Franklin being broke, and requesting a loan from her at Jerome's repast. Teddy wanted to know the detail and Louie stated she told Franklin she would give him the loan. When Teddy asked when that would happen, Louie stated it would on the next day, when he'd show and would have him captured then. Apparently Teddy was feeling some anxiety as he wanted to Franklin pay. Louie then spoke up on the phone after a pause of silence from him. Teddy acknowledged he was there as Louie reminded him that asked for Franklin and should he back away, he should speak up. Teddy then told her to do the exchange at the pallet yard near the L.A. River around 6PM and requested she come alone. Louie stated she couldn't bring Franklin by herself, and Teddy stated she could bring one guy, no more than that otherwise he'd assume it would be a set-up. He then warned he'd be watching as he ended the call. Louie put the phone away and across from her desk, there was Franklin who told Oso if Teddy arrived and Oso wasn't presented, he'd be good as dead. Oso then stated he would be in the same predicament as well.


Back home, Gustavo was fixating on his situation while Cedro and Carlo were in the living room playing Star Wars using cardboard rolls as lightsabers. Xiamara then stepped in and took the rolls from them, telling them about the little blue robot being Mexican, calling it Arturito. Gustavo then threw over his hood then crouched and approached his nephews who seemed to be having fun. He then began growling as he lifted Carlo up and put him on the sofa as Cedro jumped onto him and Xiamara watched with a smile on her face. Gustavo then told his nephews of a fable and presented 2 of his luchador masks. He then told them that when he dawned the masks, nothing could harm him. He then gave a growl, shocking his nephews, who both seemed to have fun. He then offered each one of them a mask just to remember him by. Cedro graciously agreed as he accepted his mask. He then slowly represented the other mask to Carlo but then asked for a trade. Carlo then traded his watch for the mask. He then requested that they put on their masks and inspired them to feel empowered as Xiamara told the boys to get ready for school. The boys agreed as they rushed out of the living room, while stating the smell of their masks. After they left the living room, Gustavo asked Xiamara if she had the passports. Xiamara stated she had them in her purse. He then requested not to let the boys see the money, otherwise they'd ask questions and Xiamara agreed. Gustavo then pointed how lucky they were to have her as a mother, although Xiamara was put in a position to take over for her late sister. Xiamara became emotional and approached Oso as he held onto him and brushed her hand upon his forehead. Oso then made a humorous statement toward her, but Xiamara showed she was serious to bless him. Oso then presented a note with some numbers written on it and told Xiamara she would be the only one in possession of it. He then stated it was an answering service and requested her to hold onto it. Oso then told Xiamara he'd check in weekly and asked her to call or leave a message should she need anything. He then stated if he didn't hear from Xiamara, he would assume she made it, hoping she and the boys were alright. Xiamara began tearing up as Oso kissed her palm. Xiamara then told Gustavo that if something should feel off, that he'd should take a different direction. Gustavo agreed and professed his love for her. He got up as kissed her as if it was the last time he'd see her and told her once more he'd loved her. Oso held onto Xiamara as she cried on his shoulder. Oso then looked at the watch Carlo gave him and told Xiamara that he needed to get moving. He then exited the house, threw on his sunglasses, and entered his truck, unaware that Rubén was in his vehicle staking out the home. Gustavo then drove down the road.


Franklin is on the phone with Oso, who is claiming to be heading to the border and would send the code when he was clear. Franklin had no idea what Oso was meaning as he urged him to stay calm and not deviate from the plan, stating they'll meet at 6PM. The phone conversation ended, and Veronique asked how Oso was. Franklin stated he was more nervous than he was when they were locked in a cage next to a tiger. He then turned to Veronique, stating he knew she wouldn't like the request, but told her if the plan didn't work, he would want her to flee the country along with Cissy. He then told Veronique that Cissy would help her liquidate all the properties as well as help take care of the unborn child. Franklin then attempted to convince Veronique that he wanted doubting his plan but it was what he wanted for their child, as he wanted his child to have a life and a family to grow up in. Franklin wanted Vee to make a promise she'd do this, but Vee was uneased by the request and Franklin urged her once more to make the promise. Veronique agreed as she and Franklin held onto each other.


Back over at Parissa's home, Teddy told her of the offer Havemeyer made, but he told her that he couldn't transfer the money over, meaning his window to returning to the CIA was closed and never to open again, and stated their future with the CIA was gone. As Parissa was listening, Teddy then reminding Parissa of what she said about other alternatives to claim power meaning they'd have to find that alternative route together. Parissa then stated there should be some type of assurances for it and Teddy asked what she had in mind. She then stated she had a plan as she hopped out of her chair and left the dining room, entering another room. Teddy could hear her open and close a dresser as she immediately returned to the dining room with something covered in some cloth in hand. She placed the item in front of him as she sat next to him. Teddy asked where she found that and Parissa stated it was at the bottom of his dresser, which sparked some irritation from Teddy, who then unraveled the clothes consisting of a ring. He then told Parissa that the ring belonged to her mother. He picked up the ring, stating he wanted a partner. Teddy immediately hopped out of his chair, held up the ring, and got onto his knees, asking Parissa to marry him. Parissa then touched the ring with a moment of silence, asking Teddy if he meant it. Teddy rushed in for a kiss and stated he was serious.


Gustavo and Amanda are near the U.S.-Mexico border awaiting the drop from the Colombians and Oso was complaining about the Colombians being 2 hours late for the exchange and Amanda told him to calm himself, for drug dealers can't always be on time. She then asked Oso what the rush was and Oso claimed he didn't like being stuck with her, which somewhat offended her. She then asked how Oso met Xiamara, knowing Cedro and Carlo aren't his sons. Gustavo then immediately spotted the plane in the air and waved them in. They were later making the exchange with the Colombians as Oso, who scolded the Colombians for being late, pulled out the duffel bags of cash to switch with the bags of yeyo. As Oso was checking the bag, one of the Colombians, Fabian, approached Amanda, wanting to know who she for he wasn't told about bringing a new face to the drop, while making a lewd statement. Amanda then threw out an insulting comment to Fabian as Oso continued checking the bags and counting the bricks. Fabian then demanded Oso to tell him who she was. Gustavo then told Fabian that Amanda was DEA and made a pun about bringing her so they could get them all arrested, making a joke of it. Amanda caught on to the pun but found no amusement to it. After counting the bricks, Fabian didn't find the pun funny as Oso stated Amanda was his cousin and needed a hand in shipping the bricks to LA by nightfall. Another Colombian, Simon, found the pun amusing as the deal concluded and Fabian grabbed an avocado from a crate in the truck, giving Amanda an unease feeling. Back at the DEA safehouse, Amanda told Tony how reckless Oso was, stating that instead of sticking to the story, he told the Colombians that she was DEA, but in the form of a joke, telling him something was off. Tony then told Amanda that she needed to make a call and check on Oso's family.


Franklin and Veronique have pulled up to Louie's warehouse as they parked inside with Louie and Skully awaiting them. Franklin and Vee hopped out of their car and approached them both. He asked Skully if he was going to carry out the beating, and Skully refused, claiming this wasn't his affair as Louie approached him. Franklin then looked at Louie, telling her to make it look good. Vee held onto his arm then turned away as Franklin got onto his knees telling Louie to get it over with, knowing this was what she wanted. Louie then struck Franklin with a haymaker and Franklin told her she needed to do better than that and scream at her to hit him. Louie then threw another. Franklin then told her once more to hit him. Louie did just that as Veronique hopped into the car, barely standing the sight of Franklin taking any shots, while Franklin further goaded Louie into hitting him some more. Louie then threw another punch as Franklin pushed Louie forward further demanding hit him again. Louie threw yet another punch. As Franklin continued demanding the beating, it became very personal for Louie as she swung constantly at him and climbed onto him screaming and striking at him until Skully pulled her off of him. Franklin then got up, now bruised up, stating he that was what he needed as Louie was hysterical over the situation. Franklin then turned to Veronique who was in the car and started the engine.


Gustavo is with Tony as he was driving down the road in the avocado truck and Tony told him how Amanda was the third woman who was mentored by him. He then stated to Oso that he never met the first one and Lorena was his second protégé. Tony basically told Oso the women made excellent agents since men tend to underestimate them and never see them coming, how they could see through them, and sense any nonsense from a man. He stated that Lorena was very much like that and never wanted to see her in that position, claiming how she wore him down, but was now gone. He then blamed Teddy for her death, and spoke how there were cash and drugs in her apartment, making it clear that Teddy was his suspect and he did nothing to stop it, even though Oso knew first hand how it ended for Lorena. As Oso's pager went off, Tony spoke of how Lorena was a good agent and how Teddy planted evidence to make her look like a criminal. Oso then stated that Teddy was paging him. Oso then pulled the truck over, parked it, and approached a payphone. As Oso was dialing the number, Tony hopped out of the truck. Oso then looked at Cedro's watch. As Tony stood by the truck, Oso hung up the phone, as no one was answering it, feeling the anxiety that he was running late to help Franklin out.


Franklin is in Louie's car, getting worried about Oso not paging him as he was late and paging him. Louie, who was sitting on her car hood, grew impatient as she asked Franklin how long he wanted to wait. Franklin then got a page from Oso, indicating he was on his way to see Teddy. Skully then signal Louie as he handed her the pager and Louie called his pager. Teddy then responded at the warehouse and Louie stated it wasn't easy, but she managed to get Franklin, sticking with the script. She then told Teddy he'll be a bit roughed up, and Teddy stated that he wanted him alive. Teddy then told Louie there's been a change of plans, that she would drop Franklin off at the same location and he'd collect him once she was out of there. Louie then asked if that meant leaving him on the ground and Teddy told her to follow his directions, warning her that he'd be watching. The phone call ended as Louie stated the plan has changed, telling Franklin it wouldn't be a face-to-face, but a drop. Franklin said he'll take the risk and he would be fine as long as Oso showed up. He then told them it was time.


Gustavo is back at the pay phone where he once again attempted to contact Teddy. Tony, who was next to the truck, stating that was the second time he dialed the number and Oso claimed that Teddy wasn't even responding and would try his other pager. After dialing the other pager, Oscar and Amanda pulled up and Tony approached them as the pay phone rang. Oso answered the phone and Teddy told him he was late. Gustavo stated he was nearby as Tony was receiving information from his agents. Teddy told him to move it as the phone call ended. After the call, Tony approached him with his handcuffs in hand, demanding Oso to turn around and show him his hands. Gustavo was then blindsided as Tony slammed him against a wall and began cuffing him, demanding to know who Oso was talking to. Oso told him it was Teddy. Tony didn't believe Oso as he handed him to Oscar, demanding once more who he was talking to. Oso once again stated it was Teddy and suggested checking his pager. Tony told Oso it wasn't necessary as he sent an agent to check on Xiamara and the kids, only to find out the kids never went to school and Xiamara never came back home. Oso then made up a story of having a fight with Xiamara that morning and may have taken Cedro and Carlo with her, claiming to know nothing. Tony then told Oso they checked on her mother as well, stating she too was gone, while bringing up a neighbor talking about her carrying a loaded suitcase. Tony then asked Oso if there was something going on that he didn't know about and if he was trying to pull something on the DEA. Instead Gustavo told Tony in Spanish to fuck off. Tony then grabbed Oso by the shirt, stating he'll plant the drugs himself and their arrangement was now over, promising him he'd lock him away for a long time. Tony then had Oscar throw Oso in the backseat and gave Amanda the keys to the avocado truck to drive it. Amanda then jumped in the front seat of the avocado truck and this immediately put Oso in an even tougher situation.


Teddy is at the warehouse loading a magazine clip and staring at the clock which was around 5 till 6. He loaded his service weapon and placed it in his ankle holster then conceal it under his pant leg. He then loaded another gun and placed it in the back of his pants. He then looked upon his pager and paused for a moment as he was prepared to collect his father's killer. He picked up his pager and put it in his pocket as he departed the warehouse.


Louie and Skully have arrived at the pallet yard where they were navigating the maze-like area ripe with brick walls and pallet stacks. Louie parked her car and she and Skully exited then headed to the trunk in which Skully removed Franklin who was bound and gagged with duct tape while Louie had her pistol pointed at him. They then directed Franklin to an open area in the pallet yard as Skully threw him to the ground and immediately duct taped his legs together to prevent him from running. Louie then told Skully it was time to leave. She then told Franklin goodbye as if she was serious to see him gone. They then hopped in the car, leaving Franklin to an unknown fate.


Nightfall has come and Franklin was still stranded in the Pallet yard still duct taped and waiting upon Teddy and Oso, depending on the situation. He then heard a vehicle moving in. He turned around and saw a car approach. Franklin began struggling knowing the moment of truth was at hand for him as the driver turned off the car. The lights of the vehicle glared into his vision as he watched to see who was exiting the car. He immediately saw that it was Teddy who was approaching, but no Oso in sight. Realizing now that Oso wasn't there, Franklin realized the plan had gone sideways and his fate was sealed. Teddy then stood over Franklin and applauded Louie for going through with the kidnapping. Teddy then kneeled down and ripped the tape from Franklin's face. He then asked Franklin if he threatened to bleed his son dry the way he did his father. Franklin saw no way out of the situation as he requested to speak and Teddy told him there was nothing to speak of. Franklin then told Teddy he knew about the KGB. Teddy got back up to his feet, claiming to already know that. Franklin then claimed that Teddy didn't know the whole story like was helping Rubén and how he was tracking everyone. Teddy refused to listen to another word as he lifted up his foot and knocked Franklin out with it.


Veronique was back at the stash house still fixating on Franklin's situation as well as the promise she made him. She sipped on her coffee and as she was reaching for her stuff, she felt a contraction that set her off and brought her to the ground. The contraction nearly leveled her but she managed to hold on.


Now in custody, Gustavo is riding in the back with Tony as Oscar is driving to the warehouse following behind Amanda who was driving the avocado truck. Immediately, an unknown vehicle drove up behind Oscar's car and hit him with a P.I.T. maneuver, causing the car to spiral out and strike a wall. Amanda immediately watched the car get struck and stopped the truck. She then jumped out of the vehicle and drew out her service weapon with a flashlight in hand. Amanda then approached the end back of the truck to check for hostiles and moved toward the car to find both Tony and Oscar unresponsive and only Oso still awake. She then opened the driver side door, grabbed Oscar's walkie talkie, and as she was about to call it in, Rubén appeared and shot her dead. He then opened the back door of the vehicle and pulled Oso out, stating that Franklin and Teddy were at the warehouse, telling him it was time to finish this.


Franklin is now being held at the warehouse where his hands were still duct taped with a metal noose around his neck and straddling a trash can while Teddy was bringing forth a chemical barrel. As Teddy brought the barrel over, he stated that since Oso wasn't present, he couldn't afford to turn his back upon him.


Teddy was at a table fondling his pager. He then threw on some safety equipment and a hazard mask as he poured some hazardous chemicals in the barrel to make a volatile acid meant to dissolve a body. Afterwards, he removed the safety equipment. As Franklin was still stuck in a position to swing, he watched as Teddy pulled out a syringe kit, removing some anesthetics. Franklin, in a desperate attempt, apologized for his father. Teddy ignored Franklin as he drew out a syringe to fill it up while Franklin was making excuses for the killing. As Teddy approached Franklin with the syringe, Franklin then plead to be released, claiming they wouldn't see each other ever again. Obviously, the plea was futile as Franklin continued to struggle. Teddy then told Franklin if he kept fighting it, he would wind up hanging himself. Teddy then showed Franklin a syringe, claiming he would feel a small pinch. Teddy then lifted up Franklin's pant leg a told him that it would put him to sleep, while claiming he deserved far worse. As Teddy was prepared to give Franklin the dosage, he immediately heard a door open and saw Oso. Teddy then ask Oso where he's been. Teddy then immediately saw Rubén pop up behind Oso with a drawn on him, telling Teddy to drop the syringe. Franklin felt a sigh of relief as Teddy dropped the syringe as ordered. Rubén then immediately told Teddy to relinquish the gun Teddy hid in the back of his pants. Rubén immediately instructed Teddy to slowly use his left hand and kick it over. Teddy then told Rubén to shoot with both hands. Rubén then stated he was trained that way too and ordered him to surrender his gun. Teddy then complied as he removed his gun and kicked it away. Afterwards, Rubén handed Gustavo a pair of handcuffs and ordered him to cuff Teddy to the forklift and not do anything reckless. As Oso went to cuff Teddy to the forklift, Franklin then requested Rubén to cut him down from the rope he was stuck on. Rubén ignored Franklin who then requested once more to be let down. While Oso was cuffing Teddy to the forklift, Teddy whispered to Oso that he concealed a gun in his ankle holster and then told Rubén it wasn't too late for him to walk away while Franklin further demanded to be cut down. Teddy then showed Oso the leg where his gun was concealed and Rubén caught onto that. As Oso turned back around, Rubén showed he wasn't a fool and demanded Oso to remove the gun from Teddy's ankle holster. As Oso moved to reach for Teddy's legs, Oso instead charged at Rubén into a table which ensnared into a fight, which both Franklin and Teddy were struggling in their predicament. The fight continued as Oso slammed Rubén to the ground and as Oso was pounding Rubén's head to the pavement, the ground fight escalated as Rubén accidently kicked out the trash can Franklin was straddling, causing Franklin to swing by the neck from the noose, which was choking him. After Oso knocked Rubén unconscious, Teddy asked if Rubén was alone, but Oso didn't respond as Franklin gasped for Oso to help him. Oso then noticed that Franklin was hanging from the noose and made a drastic decision. As he reached for the trash car to help Franklin up, Teddy was oblivious to see that Oso would save Franklin, knowing what he was prepared to do. Teddy then warned Oso that Franklin betrayed the USA as well as his family, claiming they threw their lot in with the KGB. Oso ignored Teddy as he grabbed some cutters and a bucket to cut Franklin down, while Teddy, who was still cuffed to the forklift, threatened Oso with the full weight of the CIA should he go through with it and urged him to reconsider whatever Franklin offered him. Oso managed to cut the rope that was strapped around Franklin and brought him carefully to the ground. As Franklin regained some sanity, Oso asked Franklin what his plan was, Franklin looked over to Teddy and cracked a smile on his face, as he saw he had Teddy right where he wanted him. Franklin just stared at Teddy as he prepared to deal with the man who stole his money.




Episode Deaths

  • Amanda Guerrero - Shot by Rubén


  • 6 'N the Mornin' by Ice-T
  • Los Días De Mi Vida by La Calandria, Claudio Ferre y Sus Jibaros
  • Sympathy for the Devil by The Rolling Stones

