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The Family was a crack cocaine producing and distributing crew run by Franklin Saint. They were based originally from Compton, in South Central Los Angeles. Their operations extended from pushing drugs on the streets to cooking the drugs in cookhouses. At first it was slinging marijuana, and then it was straight up cocaine. Their primary distribution was crack since Franklin picked up the recipe in Oakland. Franklin received help from close friends and family members with criminal records. They expanded their drug empire as far as Little Rock, but do to Louie and Jerome's departure from the Family, Franklin lost the Little Rock connection. In 1986, the Family was completely dissolved.
The origins of Franklin's Saint's drug empire was contributed from Jerome Saint's Cannabis dealing in South Central LA. However, the dealing wasn't making a dent. One day when visiting a friend in the Valley, he met Israeli mobster, Avi Drexler, and began distributing birds of yeyo for him. At first Jerome was resistant to participate in the cocaine game because of past issues, however, Louie was able to introduce Franklin to Claudia Crane, who was willing to buy kilos on a regular basis. Franklin did find it difficult to peddle the bricks, especially after crossing 2 of Claudia's former dealers, Lenny and Ray-Ray and the fact that he knew no one else who would be willing to buy some birds. One day when he visited Oakland with his friends, Leon and Kevin, to make a deal with the Murder Dubb Devils MC, he soon discovered a new form of drug that was converted from cocaine while reminiscing in familiar territory and met Swim, a local drug lord who showed him the recipe in using cocaine to make the rock. Upon bringing the rock to LA, the crack was a hit in South Central LA and Jerome immediately jumped on board, knowing the kind of dough it made.
Past Members[]
- Franklin Saint (Kingpin, Empire came to an end)
- Leon Simmons (Enforcer, Former Crip, Broke away from the Family and ran his own crew)
- Lurp (Franklin's Bodyguard, left on his own accord)
- Louanne Saint (Negotiator and Cook, Broke away from the Family, On the Lam from the DEA)
- Dallas (Mercenary, walked away after Black Diamond was killed)
- Deon Barber (PJ Watts Crips OG, booted from the PJ's)
- Einstein (PJ Watts Crips Brainiac and Soldier, Broke away from the Family)
- Renny (Grunt, Broke away from the Family and joined Leon)
- Johnny (Little Rock Connection, Status Unknown)
- Candy (Crack Cook and Johnny's wife, Status Unknown)
- Sharles (Crack Cook working for Johnny, Status Unknown)
- 2Ton (Crack Cook, Status Unknown)
- Marcus (Dealer, Status Unknown)
- Einstein (Grunt, Former Crip, Broke away from the Family and joined Leon)
- Jay (Dealer, Status Unknown)
- There are numerous other unnamed members
- Jerome Saint (Second-in-Command, Broke away from the Family, Killed by Kane Hamilton)
- Kevin Hamilton (Enforcer, Killed by Franklin Saint)
- Peaches (Franklin's Bodyguard, betrayed the Family, shot by Franklin Saint)
- Fatback (Enforcer, Killed by Khadijah Brown)
- Rob Volpe (Crack Bagger, Valley Connection, Killed by Franklin Saint)
- C.J. (Grunt, Killed by Bloods)
- Thad Brenner (Valley Dealer working for Rob Volpe, Killed by Rob Volpe)
- Delroy Hamilton (Dealer, Killed by Conejo)
- Victor (Dealer, Killed by Conejo)
- Fetu (Jerome and Louie's Bodyguard, Killed in a drive-by from Kane's Crew)
- Black Diamond (Mercenary, Brutally pistol-whipped to death by Jerome Saint)
Non Members Connected to the Family[]
- Cissy Saint (Mother of Franklin Saint, Incarcerated for Murder)
- Alton Williams (Father of Franklin Saint, Killed by Teddy McDonald)
- Veronique Turner (Franklin's woman, Family lawyer, Fled Los Angeles)
- Beau Buckley (Dirty C.R.A.S.H. Detective on Louie's Payroll)
- Roger Prentice (Lawyer)
- Tanosse (Franklin Saint's Ex Girlfriend)
- Wanda Bell (Leon's wIfe, Left LA for Ghana)
- Herb "Nix" Nixon (Dirty Cop who was on the Family Payroll for a short time)
- Top Notch (Black Panther Connection and Forger, Cut ties with Franklin Saint)
There is no official name for Franklin's crew, however the term 'Family' was used frequently, describing Franklin's inner circle, hence the name, the Family.
There are many other members of the family, but they are not named.